Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Ava

Ava you are so sweet! You are almost 5 years old and we have decided to send you to Kindergarten this coming school year. I was thinking of having you wait until you were six, but you seem ready and really want to go. I think I just wanted to hold you back because I can't believe how fast you are growing up. The other day I took you and Jack and Nora over to a friends house to be babysat. All on your own you packed a bag full off toys and snacks for Jack. When I dropped you off Jack started to cry and you ran and got your bag and started offering him things. I walked out the door smiling. Because I knew that Jack would be just fine with you taking care of him. And he was. You are always a big helper like that. I love your imagination and your fun personality. You got your shots for Kindergarten and you were so brave. You were happy that they rewarded you with a sucker. Right now I think your favorite people to play with are your cousins. You really have a lot of fun with your younger cousin Claire.
Last week we were over at Peyton Roberts house playing and he told me he was in love with you. I laughed, but was shocked later when you told me that he kissed you in the back yard! We all had a good laugh and I reminded you that the only boy I want to see you kiss for a LONG time is Dad! You are a beautiful girl and I am enjoying watching you grow up.
Love, Mom

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